- Kynning fyrir 10. bekkinga
- Skólinn
- Námið
- Þjónusta
- Áfangar
- English
Kvennaskólinn is an upper secondary school offering traditional academic studies leading to a university entrance exam.
The school offers traditional academic training only. The period for completing the university entrance exam can vary from being three, three and half or four years, in accordance with individual student’s progress.
The school operates as a traditional class system school, however, as learners advance in their studies they are expected to take on more individual responsibility of their own academic progress by selecting the courses they take based on their interests, academic proficiency and the requirements of each academic field of study. Choosing their own path toward completing the university entrance exam learners are expected to select the majority of their choice courses from the third level of proficiency.
The school aims
A good example of the excellent preparation for further academic studies provided by the school is the “final project”, an extensive research paper or research report which learners, in their final year of studies, complete under the tuition of a teacher specializing in the relevant field of study.
The educational policy of the school is to make its curriculum meet the demands of the National curriculum for secondary school education in Iceland regarding the six core pillars of education. These are; literacy, sustainability, democracy, human rights, equality, healthy lifestyle, welfare and creativity.
The slogans of Kvennaskólinn in Reykjavík are education – knowledge and maturity. The school’s staff aims to incorporate the above pillars and the slogans of the school into all sectors of the school’s functions, inside as well as outside the classroom.
The staff at Kvennaskólinn in Reykjavík aims to make learners